The TRACE Music Vault

The Music Vault contains .mp3 files of the various recording projects that have been discussed in the TRACE Newsletter. Now you can hear and download them at no charge. Keep in mind, we are in the business of writing songs for all types of artists so you're going to hear everything from a 1940's style ballad to a 1980's pop song. One thing we would appreciate . . . . if you listen or download, drop us an email at and tell us what you think. Bonus tracks will be accompanied by a brief paragraph detailing the particulars of that track.

Crying In The Rain

Midnight Sun

Canadian Sunset

When You Walk In The Room

Don't Blame Me

I Go To Pieces

Let It Be Me

Can't Take My Eyes Off You

When Sunny Gets Blue

What Have They Done To The Rain?

Goodbye My Love

Below are a few bonus tracks related to our work in the recording studio. Enjoy :-)

Mr. Dieingly Sad

TRACE recorded this track during the spring of 2000. Since then there have been additional sessions in 2001, 2005, 2007 and 2008. They will all be explored here, but let's start with a song written by Don Ciccone for The Critters (his band), released on Kapp Records during 1966. As far as we know, it has never been succesfully covered by another pop band. That's a shame because it charted well the first time and it's a great song. This is the TRACE treatment, with just a hint of jazz. TRACE is Sandy Lamont - guitars, synths and vocals; Rick Grammatico - drums, percussion and John Hesterman - bass, piano, organ, synths and vocals.


"Forever" is a song written by John's British publishing partner and songwriter, Ron Ryan, who wrote many hits for The Dave Clark Five during the '60's. It was recorded in John's demo studio at home in a baroque style and is our favorite of several different solo versions he's done of this song during the last two years. If you listen closely, you will hear the ghost of "Because". There is also a TRACE version of this song, which has a much grittier R & B arrangement.

'Tis The Season

Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth (1967), John's publishing and writing partner Steve Whitehurst (5 Grapes Music/The Grapes of Wrath) wrote a Christmas song called "Merry Christmas Baby." Nice tune, uninspired lyrics. In 1999, he told John about it, sent him a copy of the basic music tracks without vocals and asked him to write a new set of lyrics. He also added some additional music and a few colorful chords in the holiday tradition and "Tis The Season" was born. They did a "boy band" version and submited it to Justin Timberlake in 2000. He didn't have an interest and the song sat in the can until recently when we agreed we needed a demo with a more traditional approach. We thought about the GREAT male voices of Christmas . . . Nat 'King' Cole, Bing Crosby, Frank Sintatra, Tony Bennett . . . . and created a demo in that style. You hear Fred Binczewski of The Legends (San Diego), who played piano for Frank Sinatra, on this cut and it's John on bass and vocals. We think it came out pretty nice for a demo. Hope you like it.

Criminal Intent

Here is a fun song! A very close friend of John's who lived in up state New York wrote this one and Andy Tirpak (The Offbeats, Laguna, Stars On The Water) and John knocked it off in his home studio in about 20 minutes. It's based on "Riot In Cell Block #9" and carries a strong message anyone who has ever had their heart broken can relate to. They laughed all the way through the session.

Anyone But You

Here's another one of Ron Ryan's songs. It's a straight forward love song with a strong hook and pleasing lyrics. It was recorded at the 2007 TRACE sessions. John borrowed the brief piano interlude style from George Martin, who borrowed it from Barclay Allen, a great American jazz pianist.

Stay tuned, there are more tracks to come.

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Forever, Anyone But You and Criminal Intent are administered by RHM Music. 'Tis The Season is administered by 5 Grapes Music.

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