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Where TRACE Is Performing
January 2015:
Please check our "Where We Are Playing" page for the latest information on when and where you can catch TRACE. We're putting the final touches on our new album, which should be released by early summer. We've added a lot of new music to the songlist, the kind of music you will love dancing to! We've also recruited some very fine musicans and singers to work with us when the band is enlarged for ballroom and outdoor concert performances. We're excited about 2015 and look forward to working with, and for you.
Stay tuned!
September 2013:
Please check our "Where We Are Playing" page for the latest information on when and where you can catch TRACE. Off stage, we're still busy in the recording studio and we've posted some of the work as Autumn Shadow on Reverb Nation.
Calling all house parties! While TRACE is usually a duo, we can expand to as many as 6 members to fit any ocassion. Call 928-474-2678 or email us at for details on how we can make your holiday party a success!
Stay tuned!
August 2011:
Summer is the off season in Phoenix, but we're keeping busy in spite of it. In addition to the appearances listed on this site, we've been busy in the recording studio adding songs to our set lists. Most of you know the tracks we play to we record ourselves since Sandy and I play over a dozen instruments between us. The additional vocals are also us, with a little help from drummer Rick Grammatico (who also makes an ocassional appearance on drums!). Sandy is owner and operator of Lamont Audio in Gilbert and his studio is a world class, state-of-the-art facility. It is a pleasure to be able to work there.
As we get closer to the Fall, we're looking forward to more opportunities to perform throughout the Valley. If you know of a venue that would suit us, or would like to book us for your own party or event, just email us here.
Our thanks to everyone that has given us such great support. More next month,
February 2010:
Welcome to February! Things are really picking up! TRACE will be at Annabelle's (AZ Golf Resort) from 7p to 10p Saturdays (2/6, 2/13, 2/20 and 2/27). We will also be appearing at Annabelle's for a Special Valentine's Day Celebration on Sunday, 2/14, from 5p to 8p. Annabelle's is in the AZ Golf Resort at Power Road and Broadway, in Mesa. In addition, we will be appearing at the Phoenix Elks Lodge #335, 14424 N. 32nd Street. (a quarter mile north of Thunderbird Road on 32nd Street.) from 7p to 11p on Friday, 2/5 and Friday, 2/19. Finally, I'll be doing and Offbeats show with George Lewis (drums) and Gene Rochambeau (guitar) at McP's on Coronado Island (San Diego) on Friday 2/26, from 9p to 1a.
By the way, if you happen to be in the vicinity of 26th Street and Indian School Road in Phoenix on Sunday's (1/31, 2/7, 2/21, & 2/28) between 4p and 8p, stop by Chopper John's --- I'll be jamming the blues and classic rock with Devo Carrilo's band BOOMER and a host of other great Valley musicians.
GREAT NEWS!!! TRACE will be adding Tehani G. to our line up on keyboards and vocals! A jam session last week made it obvious this talented lady belongs with us. Her addition opens up all kinds of great musical possibilities, vocally (here comes that wonderful three part harmony!) and instrumentally. I'll keep you posted on our progress :-)
Thanks to everyone that has given us such great support! More next month,
January 2010:
Happy New Year, everyone! January is shaping up! After a successful New Year's Eve engagement, TRACE is appearing at Annabelle's from 6p to 9p in the AZ Golf Resort in Mesa on the 2nd, 9th, 16th and 30th. I will also be returning to San Diego for an appearance with The Offbeats at McP's on Coronado Island on the 23rd. Sunday evenings (4p - 8p) I jam with Devo Carillo's classic rock & blues band Boomer at Chopper John's (28th St & Indian School Road, Phoenix). In between the gigs, Sandy and I continue working in the studio on stage tracks (with help from Tehani G and Jay Maynes on keyboards and Joe on drums and percussion) and other production projects like the TRACE Motown styled track "A Love That Lasts" written by Marvin Rogers we recently finished that features drummer Rick Grammatico on lead vocals.
I looks like we will also be playing some dates at the Phoenix Elks (32nd Street & Thunderbird Rd) in February and March. More on that later :-)
Thanks to everyone that has given us such great support! More next month,
December 2009:
The Christmas season is here and Autumn Shadow is taking off like a sky rocket! Check out the link above to where we're appearing and drop by. Our music is a mixture of jazz standards and popular oldies. Like to dance? We're your ticket!
We're blessed (and I'm honored) to spend time at Lamont Audio working on our stage presentation. Lamont Audio is a state of the art recording studio in Gilbert, any musician worth his salt would give his eye teeth to work in (thank you, Sandy).
This page will keep you posted on all things TRACE, so stay tuned!
Check this page often for updates!
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